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A ruling against a Sipp operator which sparked fears of a precedent being set and a rise in claims will be reviewed by The Financial Ombudsman Service.

Total assets of the world's largest 300 pension funds grew by over 6% in 2013 to reach a new high of almost US$15 trillion, freshly released figures showed today.

A former senior consultant at Broadstone Pensions & Investments has moved to Sipps firm Mattioli Woods.

A sipp firm has undertaken research, which suggests that awareness of Sipps among young people has risen significantly since the Budget in March.

IFG Group, which owns Sipp and SSAS wrap provider James Hay, has sold its Irish pension and advisory business to Willis Ireland for £10.8m.

A new directory of regulated financial advisers aimed at helping retirees following the pensions and annuities revolution has been given the green light.

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