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A pension liberation company has been shut down after an Insolvency Service investigation, which uncovered investments of over £3.3million.
A financial advisory firm has warned of an impending "boom time" for pension scammers after reporting a wave of cold calls to clients from possible fraudsters.

Most Britons have little or no grasp of the raft of pension changes announced this year, according to a survey by chartered accounts HW Fisher & Company.

The Pensions Regulator should be given the power to remove websites that are suspected of pension liberation, a pensions firm says.

A crackdown on pensions liberation has led to HMRC rejecting 362 pension scheme applications in the last nine months.
There is much written about why individuals need to be incentivised to save for retirement and the importance of tax relief on contributions in achieving that goal.
Sipps Pro is delighted to welcome Neil MacGillivray, chairman of the Association of Member-directed Pension Schemes, as our latest blogger.
Mr MacGillivray, also h
ead of technical support at James Hay Partnership, will regularly be writing for the website and in his first article below, he explores the latest on pension liberation.
New powers announced in the Budget will enable HMRC to help prevent pension liberation schemes being registered.
Aviva is demanding stricter rules on pension transfers to stop the "spiralling number of people being persuaded by fraudsters" to access their retirement savings early.
Pensions Consultants at Broadstone Corporate Benefits have praised HMRC for starting to take positive steps to address the problem of pension liberation schemes but say more is still to be done.
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