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An advisory firm chief executive has been handed an official warning notice by the FCA over Sipp related advice.
Could 2016 be the year of the SSAS? The main reason I can see the answer being yes is that it is simply a suitable product for many that may have been overlooked in the past. I could just stop there but this would then be really short and quite uninformative so I feel I should expand a little.
There will be a last minute rush next year to open up new Sipps and SSASs overnight, a pensions expert is predicting.
A disgruntled adviser who said it was unfair he should pay a regulatory bill caused by rising Sipps compensation claims has failed to win his case.
Charles Stanley has signed its Sipp administration business EBS Management to the Options Transfers service.
Sipps Professional is delighted to welcome two highly respected new columnists to join our blogging team.
In his first column since becoming a blogger for Sipps Professional, James Jones-Tinsley from Barnett Waddingham a Chartered Financial Planner and Self-Invested Technical Specialist, discusses problems with the time delay between pension changes being announced and being cemented in law.
The latest FCA statement on the new capital adequacy rules strengthens the view that commercial property is, in most cases, a standard asset, a pensions expert says.
The FCA has published what it called ‘minor changes’ to its new capital adequacy rules this afternoon – with one expert saying the original proposals had been ‘watered down’.
Sipp inflows for January to September increased by nearly £3bn compared to the same period last year, according to data which covers 90% of the UK’s leading life and pensions companies.
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