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A Sipp provider has reported gaining 168 new commercial property clients in the last quarter to September.
A Cystic Fibrosis charity has thanked staff at a pensions company for raising nearly £4,000 by trekking to a huge hollow where the devil tormented the god Thor, according to legend.
Dentons has reported a record breaking first quarter for new business, with transfers from other Sipp operators cited as a key factor.

A Sipps firm has backed the FCA's new capital adequacy rules and announced it has acquired the Sipp book from a pension administration provider for an undisclosed sum.

About four in ten advisers believe there could be fewer than 50 Sipp providers left in two years time.
Martin Tilley of Dentons Pensions believes the proposed capital adequacy ruling for Sipp firms could put larger firms at risk as well as small ones.
Financial advisers and providers are divided between the most important factors for choosing a Sipp firm.
Dentons Pension Management has acquired RSM Tenon's bespoke Sipp arm Tenon Pension Trustees Limited for an undisclosed sum.

Pension provider Dentons has added a new product to its range, the Dentons Sipp.

Dentons Pension Management, a specialist provider and administrators of self invested pension products, has announced a series of Sipp breakfast briefings.  The briefings across the UK will bring together some of the leading commentators in the sector.
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