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Displaying items by tag: RPI

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association - the trade body that represents 1,300 pension schemes with 20m members - has joined the chorus of concern about the Government’s potential axing of the Retail Prices Index (RPI), the measure used to decide many annual pension increases.

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Friday, 17 April 2020 09:13

Sunak extends RPI pension consultation

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has extended the consultation on scrapping the RPI inflation measure by four months to August.

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Monday, 06 April 2020 12:50

RPI change could slash pension income by 21%

The Pensions Policy Institute has warned that a Government change to the inflation measure could cut lifetime pension income by up to 21%.

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Thursday, 12 March 2020 15:57

RPI axe could cause 'seismic' pension problems

Pension consultancy Barnett Waddingham has warned that the potential axing of the RPI inflation measure by the government could have ‘seismic’ implications for pension schemes.

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Wednesday, 04 September 2019 17:07

RPI could face axe but Chancellor defers sudden change

Chancellor Sajid Javid has rejected a call to kill off in the near future the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure of inflation – a figure used for the indexation of many pensions and financial products.
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The change from pensions being linked to the Consumer Prices Index rather than Retail Prices Index will "wreak havoc" on pension funds, according to deVere Group.
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