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The Annual Conference of AMPS (the Association of Member-directed Pension Schemes) gets under way today (Weds 21 May) in London at a critical time for the sector, says chairman Neil MacGillivray.
On Wednesday 21 May, Chris Jones of Suffolk Life will take to the stage at the Annual AMPS conference to give an update on the Sipp market.
Despite a rise in overall complaints, the Financial Ombudsman says that the number of complaints it handled on pensions and investments for the year to March fell from 19,834 to 15,938.
The Financial Ombudsman is set to release figures tomorrow showing a rise of approximately 50% in the number of Sipp complaints it has received in the past year, with growing concerns about Ucis.
Financial Planning and forecasting specialist eValue has launched a "Better Outcomes for All" campaign to encourage the pensions and investment sectors to better serve the investing public.
Increasing use of income drawdown following the Budget annuity changes could see 20% of pensioners exhausting their funds before they die, pension experts have warned.
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