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In his first column since becoming a blogger for Sipps Professional, James Jones-Tinsley from Barnett Waddingham a Chartered Financial Planner and Self-Invested Technical Specialist, discusses problems with the time delay between pension changes being announced and being cemented in law.
The minimum capital adequacy requirements for directly authorised personal investment firms will be doubled to £20,000 next June.
The latest FCA statement on the new capital adequacy rules strengthens the view that commercial property is, in most cases, a standard asset, a pensions expert says.
The FCA has published what it called ‘minor changes’ to its new capital adequacy rules this afternoon – with one expert saying the original proposals had been ‘watered down’.
Sipp inflows for January to September increased by nearly £3bn compared to the same period last year, according to data which covers 90% of the UK’s leading life and pensions companies.
A premier league of five to seven major providers will own about 90% of DC workplace pension scheme assets by 2020, industry experts have forecast.
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