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The whole plan for the secondary annuity market is ‘doomed’, unless a fundamental problem can be addressed, a pensions expert says.
Annuities may become the most popular option for retirees if Britain exits the European Union in June, the founder of eValue believes.
A SSAS and Sipps firm has hired a new London region consultant from Aviva.
Annuities may have become somewhat downtrodden with doom and gloom predictions since the pension reforms kicked in but new research suggests the younger generation are willing to give them a fair hearing.
As we approached 6 April this year the press started to look at the ten-year anniversary of ‘A-Day’ – the day on which pension simplification regulations came into force. Their conclusions have, unfortunately, been anything but positive.
The director of a Sipp firm says there is a strong belief in the industry that the Lifetime ISA is the end of pensions as we know them.
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