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Today saw the release of the ‘Women In Finance’ charter and although I haven’t really been engaged in the production of this, I decided as a woman, maybe I should take a look to see if I was missing out on something that might change my life or the life of my colleagues.
The DWP has announced it will look to plug the gaps in automatic enrolment to help those with multiple low-income jobs.
A veteran pensions expert, whose career spanned over five decades, is retiring.
The DWP is seeking suggestions on how it can stop SSASs being used in pension scams.
In the six months after the launch of the new State Pension in April more than 1.5 million personal State Pension forecasts were issued, says the Department for Work and Pensions.
A Financial Planning firm director fears genuine entrepreneurial investors maybe put off from using flexible pensions such as SSAS, following signals of a scam crackdown.
‘Another one bites the dust!’ A tenuous way to start an article I know, but it is in response to the news that another insurance company has decided not to continue in the annuity market (LV=).
A consultation looking at a new law to ban pension cold calls has been announced by the Government this afternoon.
A new law to ban pension cold calls must be prevented from having a “chink in the armour” by failing to include investments, an adviser heading the campaign says.
The Financial Ombudsman has ruled against an advice firm over investing in an unregulated collective investment scheme.
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